Welcome to a blog that aims to tell you a bit more about the Finnish culture, must do’s in Vaasa, the small secrets to better understand the North as well as a few random facts that you didn’t know you needed to know!
The content will vary, as we explore what you as the reader are interested in hearing from us, but also as we are different people contributing to the texts that will show up here. We all have different backgrounds and interests, which will make us write about different things.
Why do people all over Finland refer to an area just outside of Vaasa when something goes wrong? What are the strange pastries sold in the store around a specific time of the year? What does the hot sauna really mean to the Finnish people? Why does Finns carry their wifes upside-down sometimes? What’s the best nature spot in Vaasa? Is there any difference in culture & behaviour between Swedish-speaking Finns and Finnish-speaking Finns? This, plus much much more, is to be answered throughout the year! So tag along, share with your friends if you enjoy the reading! And if you have something you would like us to write more about, let us know!
Happy reading!
- Petra Hannus

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