Purpose of processing personal data

Collected data is used to offer services of the website from the moment that user has given the data voluntarily. Services offered by ESN Vaasa are for example: Renting of spaces Feedback (anonymous), registering events, emailing list, ESN Vaasa members list

Information saved to registers: First and last name, Email, University in Vaasa, Food allergies.

Retaining of data

Data will be destroyed immediately when it’s not anymore necessary for the service received by customer. Transfer of data ESN Vaasa does not transfer customers data anywhere outside of its systems and third parties are never given access to its systems.

Protection of data

Inside ESN Vaasa’s systems data can be accessed only by people maintaining registers or offering services. Only ESN Vaasa’s board has access to the data. The systems are protected by access control, firewalls and encryptions.


ESN Vaasa uses cookies on its websites to offer services and to analyze network traffic. Cookies can identify the user and allow for example keeping the log-in session on between page reloads and offer tailored services and pre-filled fields. Cookies can be partially or fully disabled in web browsers security settings, but it may lead to disfunction of log-in systems of many pages and service of worse quality.

Rights of the registered

Registered has a right to:

Inspect data collected about them, Demand correction of incorrect data, Be forgotten

Other rights defined in General Data Protection Regulation Requests considering rights of registered can be sent to above mentioned contact of keeper of register.