The Hunger Day 2017

This year ESN Vaasa, as a part of the SocialErasmus-project, proudly takes part in the Hunger Day-campaign that is organised by The Red Cross 14-16.9. SocialErasmus aims to involve students through volunteering and charity activities that take social action, and it works for the causes of for instance disaster, environment, health, poverty and violence. These are also essential parts of the work of The Red Cross, which helps when a catastrophe or a serious accident occurs somewhere in the world. At the moment help is needed particularly in Yemen, which is suffering from both conflicts and drought.

Also after the terror attack in Turku in the end of August The Red Cross worked closely together with the city of Turku and Turku University Hospital to organize crisis emergency services. A crisis center for people requiring immediate support was established and an on-call crisis group took calls all day and night. In total about 120 emotional support volunteers patrolled the Market Square in the Turku city centre for a week, offering discussion and listening support for more than 2,400 people.

If you want to participate in the campaign of the Hunger Day (which you of course want, right? ;) ) one of the easiest way is to follow this link and make an online donation to ESN Vaasa’s own virtual collecting box. Thanks beforehand, your help matters!

- Daniela Mård


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