One word: Nenäpäiva (or red nose day)
Prepare for the only challenge that will make you feel a better person!
In these days some of you will get some red noses, and some of you will find your own way to complete the challenge.
The challenge works in this way:
-Take the red noses and put them on together with your friends.
-Choose a funny place and take a picture of yourselves.
Share the picture on Facebook and Instagram with BOTH the hashtags:
-Once you’re done with the noses, you can give them to your friends so they can also take pics and participate in the challenge!
Noses are also available in K-Markets and Siwa shops for 2€
Why, you might ask
Nenäpäivä is a fundraising campaign to gather money for 9 different organisations to improve quality of life for children all over the world.
All the pictures you'll take will be shown in the ESN Vaasa Nenäpäivä fundraising event on Sat 12th of November, where the funniest and most creative pictures will be elected!
Also, in the event you can donate money straight to the Nenäpäivä Organisation!
Get involved! Be funny and creative, show your red noses and get to do something important!
More information on Nenäpäivä is available in Finnish and Swedish on this page.
- Everyone is invited.
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