Join us together with your friends for our fourth "Pub" Quiz of 2021! NOW part of VYY's EtäWappu!
The quiz will be organized through Zoom on Tuesday, April, 27th, starting at 19:00 and ending around 20:00!
Come have fun, show off your trivia knowledge and maybe even learn something new! The topic of our fourth quiz will be VAPPU and other crazy fun facts!
We will have prizes* for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place !
*Prizes are individual, so we suggest you participate individually in the quiz.
WHAT? ESN Vaasa Vappu "Pub" quiz
WHEN? Tuesday, April, 27th at 19:00 Finnish time!
WHERE? Zoom (
HOW MUCH? The event is FREE for all the participants!
WHAT DO YOU NEED? Two devices (Laptop + smartphone or tablet + smartphone)
- Everyone is invited.
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