Announcement NA June 2024

ESN Finland news - Fri, 24/05/2024 - 22:02

Hi network,

This news post is to officially notify you that our next general meeting, NA June 2024 Online, will be taking place on Google Meet on the 10th of June 2024 from 17:00 EEST (Helsinki time).

The agenda of the NA will, among other things, include the following:

- Amending our Code of Conduct

- Electing a Treasurer for mandate 24-25

- Approving membership transfers

- Discussion about incident reports


We hope to have informed you sufficiently with this post. Have a great week!

Categories: ESN Finland

Announcement of NA May 2024 Online

ESN Finland news - Mon, 22/04/2024 - 16:43
Hi network,   This news post is to officially notify you that our next general meeting, NA May 2024 Online, will be taking place on Google Meet on the 6th of May 2024 from 17:00.   The agenda of the NA will include the following:
  • Amending our Code of Conduct
  • Amending our statutes and standing orders
  • Electing new board members
  • Approving membership transfers
We hope to have informed you sufficiently with this post. Have a great week!
Categories: ESN Finland

Announcement of NA December Online 2023

ESN Finland news - Tue, 28/11/2023 - 16:17
Hi network,   This news post is to officially notify you that our next general meeting, NA December Online, will be taking place on google meet on the 13th of December 2023 from 17:00.   The agenda of NA December Online will at least include the following:
  • Electing new board members
  • Electing new operations inspectors
  • Updating our collaboration agreement with Timetravels
  • Amending our statutes and standing orders. 
We hope to have informed you sufficiently with this post. Have a great week!
Categories: ESN Finland

Announcement of NA Suomenlinna

ESN Finland news - Fri, 27/10/2023 - 19:03
Hi network,   This news post is to officially notify you that our next general meeting, NA Suomenlinna, will be taking place at Hostel Suomenlinna, Suomenlinna C 9, 00190 Helsinki, from Friday 10 November 2023 at 16:30 to Sunday 12 November 2023 at 16:30. While registrations for the meeting closed a while back, section 7.2 of our statutes obligates us to publish an official meeting call for our general meetings at least two weeks before it takes place, which is why this news post was placed on our website. Remote participation at this meeting will not be possible, which means all sections that cannot have a representative at the meeting in person need to delegate their vote to someone else who is attending.   Have a great weekend!
Categories: ESN Finland

Announcement NA June Online

ESN Finland news - Thu, 01/06/2023 - 19:54

ESN Finland's NA June Online will be held on Thursday 22.6.2023 at 17:00!

Agenda of the this NA June Online is quite straightforward. Topics on the agenda are:
- election of National Board President and other National Board members for the mandate 23-24
- approval of NA minutes
- transferring banking rights

The NA June is open for all the members! Please feel free to share the invitation to your section active and board members. Link to join the NA June Online 2023:

Categories: ESN Finland

NA May Online Announcement!

ESN Finland news - Mon, 08/05/2023 - 20:26

NA May Online will take place on Monday 29th of May starting at 18:00. Agenda includes for example the election of Arbitration Board members for mandate 1.1.2023-31.12.2024.

Categories: ESN Finland

NA Saimaa announcement!

ESN Finland news - Sat, 04/03/2023 - 05:14

ESN Finland's Spring NA, NA Saimaa takes place on 17-19.3.2023 in Lappeenranta! Spring NA entails the election of the 23-24 NB, AB 23-24, action plan 23-24 and budget 23-24.

Categories: ESN Finland

NA Online #1 2023 Announcement

ESN Finland news - Thu, 22/12/2022 - 22:02

NA Online #1 will take place on 5th of January 2023 at 17:00. Electiona for remaining NB 22-23 positions and operations inspector for NB 2022-2023 will take place during the NA. Link will be posted here later.

Categories: ESN Finland

NA Blooming Announcement

ESN Finland news - Mon, 19/09/2022 - 10:50

ESN Finland's Autumn National Assembly NA Blooming will take place in Jyväskylä between 21st to 23rd of October 2022.

The topics include the election of National Board members for the still open positions and election of Arbitration Board. There will also be networking and training oppurtunities for the participants.

The participation fee is 75e per person and it includes:

- accommadation for 2 nights

- food

- social programme

- patch

Every section will have 2 quaranteed spots.



Categories: ESN Finland

NA Online III Announcement 22.8.2022 at 17:00

ESN Finland news - Mon, 08/08/2022 - 18:31

NA Online III will take place on Monday the 22nd of August at 17:00. 

Location: Online 

Topics: Contract renewals eg.

Categories: ESN Finland

NA Online I/2022 Announcement

ESN Finland news - Tue, 26/04/2022 - 19:24

The NA Online I/2022 will take place Sunday 22nd of May at 16:00. More information can be found in the emails, social media and Slack channel.

Categories: ESN Finland

NA Sin City Announcement

ESN Finland news - Tue, 01/03/2022 - 15:13

Are you ready for madness? The National Board of ESN Finland is hereby inviting you to our sinful world - the upcoming National Assembly Sin City (yes, it will be taking place physically!). The NA will be taking place between the 18th of March to 20th of March in Helsinki. Below you have all the necessary details.

The topics of the NA Sin City and what we will be voting on are the election of the NB 2022-2023, the election of NB 2021-2022 for the remaining period, budget proposal 2022-2023, action plan 2022-2023, membership fee 2022-2023, KISA's ESN membership, and transferring the banking rights to NB 2022-2023. More information can be found on the attached agendas. 

Open calls for the NB 2021-2022, NB 2022-2023 and NA Autumn 2022 OC will be sent on Tuesday 1.3.2022.

You can register by accessing the following LINK. Each section has guaranteed 2-3 spots. You can register more but then you have to send a priority list to More information at the event registration. Registrations will be open until 7.3.2022.


Fill in the Vote Delegation Form and upload the vote delegation paper there. If your section cannot attend the NA, it is a requirement to delegate your vote to another section by filling out the same delegation form. The Vote Delegation Paper is attached below. The deadline to fill in the form and to send the vote delegation paper is 15.3.2022 at 23:59.


The participation fee is sixty (60) euros and it includes:

  • 2 nights of hotel accommodation from Friday to Sunday
  • Full reservation of a private event venue 
  • 2 x Breakfast (Saturday, Sunday)
  • 2 x Lunch (Saturday, Sunday)
  • 2 x Dinner (Friday, Saturday)
  • Transportation in Helsinki
  • Social programme
  • Coffee breaks 


Please, remember that you should pay the participation fee as soon as you get the spot approval, no later than 8.3.2022. Your final registration is confirmed as soon as we receive your payment.

Hope to see many of you at the NA Sin City!

Categories: ESN Finland

NA Online IV/2021 announcement

ESN Finland news - Tue, 30/11/2021 - 23:58

Date and time: 14th of December  2021

Place: Google Meet or Zoom (a link will be sent to everyone on our mailing list)


Categories: ESN Finland

Message from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Finland

ESN Finland news - Sat, 25/09/2021 - 18:08

Responsible use of freetime contributes to more contact teaching in higher education institutions and a swift return to normal conditions

Message from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Finland to international students, their associations and ESN sections:

With this communication, we would like to emphasize the importance of slowly getting back to a more open society and student life while following the recommendations from the national health authorities in Finland. The absence of face-to-face contacts between students can be harmful on the mental and physical health of students. We understand that contact learning and safe face-to-face events are a crucial part of student life. 

When you organise student events, please remember to take into account the regional and local regulations, guidelines and recommendations. It is important:

  • that even those who have been vaccinated wear a mask
  • to avoid physical contact and respect safe distancing, especially indoors
  • to have adequate ventilation in place
  • to not seek the company of others if you have any symptoms indicative of COVID-19 and take the COVID-19 test instead
  •  that students receive a full course of COVID-19 vaccines.


By organising safe events while following the recommendations and restrictions we will be coming back to a more open life in campus as the semester proceeds.

It is in everyone's interest to grant students’ safety from the viewpoint of both physical and mental health. From the Ministry of Education, Finnish National Agency for Education and Culture and the Erasmus Student Network Finland we want to thank all the volunteers that have kept the organisations operative and helped the international students through the pandemic. Studying in a foreign country is always a challenge, more if we add the current situation. We encourage you to keep working in the same innovative direction and keeping up with responsible study activities. 

Up-to-date regional restrictions and recommendations are available on the Government website. The website also has links to the webpages of hospital districts, which provide more detailed regional information:

Regional COVID-19 situation and restrictions on the hospital district websites



  • Erasmus Student Network Finland: Communication manager Alberto Monroy Trujillo, 0452549501,
  • Finnish National Agency for Education: Programme Manager Anni Kallio, +358 295 338 696,
  • Ministry of Education and Culture: Senior Ministerial Advisor Kaisu Piiroinen,  +358 50 575 4956,
Categories: ESN Finland

GIVEAWAY with TimeTravels!

ESN Finland news - Thu, 26/08/2021 - 12:08
GIVEAWAY! ESN Finland and Timetravels want to bring you this great opportunity to help you travel! 600€ (100€ per person) in vouchers for the trips you get with Timetravels and your ESN section. For you and two friends!
  1. Follow Timetravels and ESN Finland on Facebook
  2. Follow Timetravels and ESN Finland on Instagram
  3. Mention two friends in the comments and share the post
  4. Fill in this form
The giveaway will be on until 05.09.21 at 23.59.
Categories: ESN Finland

New Board 2021-2022

ESN Finland news - Wed, 02/06/2021 - 11:21
Meet ESN Finland's National Board 2021-2022

The Erasmus Student Network Finland is happy to announce that it will have a full board for the next mandate!

These great people are:

President: Tiia-Maria Niskanen
Vice-President: Duy Tùng
Treasurer: Reija Tolvanen
Communication Manager: Alberto Monroy Trujillo
Events' Manager: Nantia Georgousaki
National Representative: Saimi Vesalainen
Web Project Administrator: Noémi Lemonnier

Warm welcome to all of them!

Categories: ESN Finland

National Assembly Online II/2021 Announcement

ESN Finland news - Sun, 02/05/2021 - 11:21

Date and time: 18th of May 2021

Place: Google Meet or Zoom (a link will be sent to everyone on our mailing list)

NA Online II/2021 is called extraordinarily due to filling the last vacancy in the National Board (the position of National Representative). The meeting will last for an approximately 1-1½ hours.

See attached the agenda of the meeting.

Attachment Files:  na_online_ii_2021_esityslista.pdf na_online_ii_2021_agenda.pdf
Categories: ESN Finland

National Assembly AmongNAs 2021 Announcement

ESN Finland news - Fri, 12/03/2021 - 19:57

Date and time: 27th to 28th of March 2021

Place: Zoom (a link will be sent to everyone on our mailing list).

See attached the agenda of the meeting. There is a proposal to expel ESN IAC - International Action Club ry from the Erasmus Student Network.

Attachment Files:  amongnas_2021_agenda.pdf amongnas_2021_esityslista.pdf
Categories: ESN Finland

Root veggies and minced meat/soy soup - Survive the Nordic Winter

ESN Finland blog - Fri, 04/12/2020 - 14:05

New to the Nordics? You must have already realised that the fruits and veggies variety here is a bit different, especially if you come from southern countries, where almost everything can be found all-year round. But worry not! The nordic countries have their own secrets to a good nutrition and keeping themselves warm during these long, dark, cold months. One of them? Root vegetables! Try making this easy and full of flavor soup, and you'll see how you stay warm and satisfied even on the coldest day.

Categories: ESN Finland

Roasted Vegetables with Chickpeas/Salmon - Survive the Nordic Winter

ESN Finland blog - Fri, 04/12/2020 - 13:37

Tired of eating potatoes or pasta and tuna? Well, here you have a delicious and fast recipe that is also affordable and nutritious. No matter your diet, vegan, vegetarian or omnivorous, this recipe caters for you!

Categories: ESN Finland
